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Riverside Dr
Perth, WA

Healthy Club Policy


1.1 The West Australian Rowing Club is committed to providing a safe and friendly atmosphere to facilitate all levels of rowing.

1.2 The West Australian Rowing Club is committed to encouraging a healthy lifestyle and healthy environment at the Club premises and events.

1.3 This Policy aims to provide guidance on how the Club will aim to achieve the principles of 1.1 and 1.2 to encourage a healthy club.

1.4 The Club has a full liquor licence and bar and is required to abide by the laws governing that licence.



2.1.1 The Club encourages the responsible adult use of alcohol

2.1.2 The Club will ensuring alcohol is not served to any person who is intoxicated or under the age of 18 years.

2.1.3 Responsible server staff and/or volunteers to serve alcoholic drinks at Club events.

2.1.4 The Club will abide by liquor licence requirements and guidelines for relevant club events.

2.1.5 The Club will provide free water and non-alcoholic drinks at all Club events.

2.1.6 At the discretion of the Committee, the Club may fund a member to secure a Responsible Service of Alcohol qualification


2.2.1 Club recognises that smoking and passive smoking are hazardous to health and encourages members not to smoke.

2.2.2 No smoking within the Club premises, including the deck area

2.2.3 No smoking within five metres of any entrance or opening to the Club premises.

2.2.4 The Club recognises limited Club control of non – smoking restrictions for events not at the Club premises. However the Club encourages members not to smoke and to respect smoking restrictions and others health when not at the Club premises.

2.2.5 The Club will not take part in tobacco sponsorship


2.3.1 The club will take all reasonable steps, where possible, to address sun safe practices.

2.3.2 The majority of training times are in the morning and evening, outside the hours of 10am to 3pm.

2.3.3 The Club will provide shade structures at events where possible.

2.3.4 The Club will provide 30+ sunscreen at the premises, and at all Club events.

2.3.5 The Club will encourage members to follow the Cancer Council Western Australia guidelines for SunSmart clothing, use of sunscreen and wearing of hats. Guidelines attached.


2.4.1 Members are to understand and adhere to the Safety Policy and Procedures and details contained in the Club Handbook


2.5.1 The Club discourages the use of medications in respect of injury/recovery that would enable a participant to compete where they would not otherwise have been able.

2.5.2 The use of illicit drugs and performance enhancing drugs is not permitted by any Club members.

2.5.3 The Club will be guided by the Sports Medicine Australia policy on the administration of medications by nonmedical personnel (copy attached) and the RWA and FISA drug policies.


2.6.1 The Club will encourage good nutrition and healthy eating messages by ensuring healthy food and healthy food alternatives are provided at Club run events.


2.7.1 Breaches and/or concerns are to be made to the President in the first instance.

2.7.2 Breaches of the policy will then be addressed through the Club Committee who will determine the appropriate course of action and will advise the complainant of the outcome.