Learn to row
All the details about Learn to Row classes at the WA Rowing Club
New to rowing? We run stand alone, two-week, Learn to Row courses from October to March each year.
Training is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.
Upon completion of a Learn to Row course at the West Australian Rowing Club, you will have the basic skills to apply for membership at any of the 13 rowing clubs from Albany to Perth, as a novice (inexperienced member). Each Club has different capacity and category limitations, so it is best advised to chat to the membership officer or Captain at your local Club about the requirements of a new member upon completion of the course.
Lean to Row courses run from October to March at the WA Rowing Club
Course 1: Mon 2nd Dec - Wed 11th Dec (2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 11th), 5:15-7:15am. 1 place available!
—— Christmas Break ——
Course 2: Mon 6th Jan - Wed 15th Jan (6th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 15th), 5:15-7:15am. 6 places available!
Course 3: Mon 20th Jan - Wed 29th Jan (20th, 22nd, 24th, 27th, 29th), 5:15-7:15am. 5 places available!
Course 4: Mon 3rd Feb - Wed 12th Feb (3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th), 5:15-7:15am. 7 places available!
Course 5: Mon 17th Feb - Wed 26th Feb (17th, 19th, 21st, 24th, 26th), 5:15-7:15am. 7 places available!
Course 6: Mon 3rd March - Wed 12th March (3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th), 5:15-7:15am. 7 places available!
Cost: $195
Cost includes:
Access to new equipment specially designed for athletes beginning their rowing careers. This is the only course in WA that uses new equipment for beginner athletes
Coaching from one of WARC's most experienced coaches
Support from program coordinator
Special guest assistance each session from WARC rowers, some of whom will be graduates of the program and some who will be more experienced.
Jimmy O'Regan (centre) with some athletes who have participated in WARC Learn to Row programs
Register your interest for a course via the form below or by emailing learn2row@warowingclub.org
Frequently asked questions
Q: I rowed at school years ago, do I need to do a Learn to Row course?
A: Like so many things in rowing, it depends. If you rowed for at least one school season and would be confident in your ability to obey commands to safely lift a boat, going straight into our development squad may be an option. The learn to row course can be a great refresher however if you already know the difference between the gate, sleeve, gunwale, and button, you may not need to go back to basics.
Q: Is there an age limit?
A: We are happy to have athletes enrol in a Learn to Row course from the year they turn 15. There's lots of documentation about age limits in rowing and you're welcome to check it out. The reason we've put the age limit at 15 is that it means after a solid year sculling, we can transition athletes into different types of boats and vary their learning experience and rowing options.
Note: It is best particularly for younger athletes to enrol in a course as a group. Rowing together with peers is way more fun and we encourage young athletes to bring mates along. Don't hesitate to get in touch for more information!
Q: Is there a weight limit?
A: Yes, equipment is designed for an average weight of 80-85Kg, with an individual maximum of 105Kg.
Q: Do I need to wear one of those all-in-one lycra numbers like in the Olympics?
A: No, however loose clothing is a bad idea as it will get caught in the equipment. A close fitting workout shirt and shorts is perfectly acceptable.
You also need to make sure you wear socks in the boat and on our deck, and be prepared to get those socks pretty wet and dirty.
Q: Do I need to be able to swim?
A: Yes. It is a rare that anyone ends up in the river during the learning stages of rowing, and the Swan is shallow enough that in most places it's possible for someone of average height to stand. However rolling a boat can be a bit scary and it's best that you are comfortable with being in the water before embarking on your rowing journey.
You don't have to wear a "zoot suit" but they do help you go fast -
Q: I can't make it to all the sessions, can I still complete the course?
A: To be honest, if you can't make all the sessions in a course, it's best to skip the course altogether and enroll in the next one. There's quite a lot to take in, and we've generally found skipping classes will mean your skill level might be a bit behind by the end of the five sessions if you are intending to continue rowing with our development program.