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Riverside Dr
Perth, WA


WARC's in-house policies

Member Protection Policy

  • This policy provides a broad framework upon which our specific rowing-related policies are based.

  • Particularly useful for dispute resolution and Club/Rowing WA/Rowing Australia relations

Healthy Club policy

  • This is the standard no smoking, responsible service of alcohol policy which protects WARC and members.

Coach and Member support

  • This policy provides an outline of the responsibilities WARC has to coaches and members.

New members and visitors

  • This policy provides an outline of how the club should aim to manage new members and visitors.

Junior Athlete Policy

  • Athletes aged under 18 may have special requirements in terms of safety, supervision and access. This policy outlines the strategies the club can employ to address those requirements, in addition to the Member Protection Policy.

Responsible Use of Facilities Policy

This can be summarised with the following:

  • You don't live at the Club, so don't sleep there

  • You don't own the Club's stuff, so don't "borrow" it for personal use. You'll probably find that's called stealing

Training Policy

  • This policy includes river rules and regulations around training

Boat Use Policy

  • This policy details systems for reporting damage and boat allocations, including the use of dinghys and naming protocols for new boats.

Private Equipment Policy

  • Own a boat? Space is at a premium at WARC (when is it not!) so our private equipment policy aims to provide guidance on balancing athlete requirements with the best interests of the Club as a whole.

Life Members Policy

  • This policy details both the roles and responsibilities of Life Members, and the criteria which is applied to this honour. To find out who our life members are now and in the past, check out our Honour Role.

Communications and Branding Policy

  • This Policy captures club use of Web 2.0 mediums of communication as well as preferred modes of information distribution between the club and members, and between the membership. It also incorporates personal publications regarding the WA Rowing Club.

Finance Policy

  • This policy outlines roles and responsibilities of the treasurer and appropriate use of club funds for member benefits.

Boat Naming Policy

  • This policy outlines roles and responsibilities of the Boat Naming Subcommittee.

Conflict of Interest Policy

  • This policy assists the managing Committee to effectively identify, disclose and manage any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest in order to protect the integrity of the club and manage risk.