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Riverside Dr
Perth, WA


More than sport

Saga of the Slips: Part four

Guest User

Today we heard from LotteryWest. Sue from LotteryWest has advised:

  • LotteryWest has been unable to determine broad community benefit. As I understand it, the launch area is predominantly available only to your club (with some use by other sporting clubs).
  • Hence, this would not meet requirements of broad community access/benefit.

This means the following:

  • DSR will not fund as as we are over water.
  • DoT will not fund us as we do not have engines.
  • LotteryWest will not fund us as we're private.
  • Heritage will not fund it because we're *not* private.

There is a possibility that, having been knocked back on the record by other agencies, we may be able to revisit the matter with Heritage.