Guest User
Ok it's not exactly baconballing. It's paintballing, but it's still awesome and it's something different to beating each other up on ergs.
Time: 0800-1200, then lunch in the Swan Valley
Where: Paintball Skirmish Gnangara Road, Near the corner of West Swan Road, Henley Brook
Cost: $75 per person (includes gear, games, sausage sizzle & 600 paint balls)
The deal: Numbers are limited to 40 people so the first 40 to pay and confirm their spot. We have a tentative Wesley bus (22 seater) which would be $10 extra (pay on the day). We will then head to a winery or brewery for lunch
If you are not interested in paintballing, but would like to come to lunch, that is also an option.
What we need from you:
RSVP to with the following;
1. Paintballing:
- Yes/No. The first 22 people to respond and pay in full will be on the bus.
2. Bus:
- Yes/No. There is a chance the bus won't happen but we still need to know.
3. Lunch:
- Yes/No. Lunch has not yet been booked as it will depend on numbers. However, if you're on the bus... you're coming to lunch.
So – your email to me will look like one of the following responses:
a. Yes to paintballing, bus and lunch. b. Yes to paintballing and lunch (you are thus responsible for your own transport) c. Yes to paintballing, no to bus and no to lunch (you are thus responsbile for transport to and from paintballing only.) d. No to paintballing, yes to lunch. (you will be responsible for your own transport to and from the Swan Valley)
Nell will then write back with relevant banking details. Once your money has transferred through you will receive a confirmation email.
Let the banter begin.