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Riverside Dr
Perth, WA


More than sport

The Slip Lane

Guest User

To be honest, this is a bit what it has felt like, trying to sort out ongoing trailer access for WARC. If you really want to get into it, the timeline of our negotiations is here.

As members, here is what you need to know: WARC is working closely with the MRA, Leighton Broad, the City of Perth and the Department of Planning to keep the second exit off our service lane. This would mean we will never again have to negotiate Barrack Square with a boat trailer. This is the one we're talking about: 

In our view, this should have been built into the plans for Barrack Square right back at the start - which we first told the planning bodies back in 2012. In the view of the club, it is unreasonable to expect the upcoming Double Tree Hilton and Ritz developments to allow constant access for an oversize vehicle around Barrack Square.

However, we are just one small group and making such a call is well above our pay grade. Now we face a situation where our feedback was not heeded in construction so we can't get a trailer around Barrack Square, a second exit was put in without planning approval, the agreement between Leighton and the Council means it is due to be removed and now everyone is scrambling to figure out what to do next.

What I can say is there is no pressure for the second exit to be removed in the short term, so we are confident we will be able to get our boat trailers out for the forseeable future. We will work with the City of Perth to put in a retrospective planning application for that second exit, which will probably need to be approved by Department of Planning. Things will get hairy when it comes to funding the exit to be permanent, but rest assured we do not believe we should be liable and will fight tooth-and-nail to make sure we get the best outcome for members.

From our perspective, this has been an ongoing saga of more than four years which has now got to the point we are liaising with one body or another on a daily basis. Key background documents are stored here, if you want to get your nerd on and take a Captain Cook.

If there are any members who have experience in planning matters, please get in touch at - that would be most helpful!